Book Processing Charge (BPC)
As each book project is unique we base our quotes for the cost of publishing, called Book Processing Charge (BPC), on the services required for the individual book as submitted by the author in their book proposal.
Examples of pricing levels:
– A monograph of 75,000 words, with about 10 chapters, 10 images or tables, typeset in our smaller book format (140 x 216 mm), with a print edition in paperback on standard paper and in colour print and 20 print copies for the author, starts at approximately £3,800 (+VAT).
– An edited volume of about 100,000 words, with about 10 chapters (published as separate files), 20 images or tables, typeset in our larger book format (156 x 234 mm), with a print edition in paperback on standard paper and in colour print, and about 20 printed copies for the authors starts at approximately £4,500 (+VAT).
The cost quoted includes all production (electronic as well as print), distribution to retailers and marketing as well as legal deposit copies according to Swedish law and reference copies for the Press. See also the description of publishing services below. Language editing and book index creation are optional services (see below) and can be added to the quote upon request. Prices are negotiated by Stockholm University Press and the aim is to keep the costs as low as possible.
More advice on how to find potential funders for open access book publications can be found in the Open Access Books Toolkit, hosted by the OAPEN Library (a database for open access books where all Stockholm University Press books are indexed)
Description of
Publishing Services
The following services are included in the Book Processing Charge (BPC) and is offered to all authors as included in the standard fee.
Anti-plagiarism checks
All accepted manuscripts will go through the iThenticate software plagiarism check. A report will be provided on the level of similarity to existing publications or content. Support and advice will be provided on how to proceed if problems are flagged and possible plagiarism or copyright issues arise.
Chapter by chapter publishing
This is included for edited volumes. This feature allows for individual chapters to have their own landing page, providing the chapter title, author details, chapter abstract and chapter-level metrics. DOIs are registered for each chapter to track citations. Having this feature means that chapters can be more easily cited within the book, authors will gain individual recognition for their contribution and statistical data can be extracted to gauge which chapters had more popularity.
PDF typesetting
The production team will receive the manuscript source files provided to them in an editable format (preferably Microsoft Word or similar) and complete the layout of the book, according to the template and specific instructions provided from the author or editor and publisher. The production team produces a PDF of print quality and this version will be used for print and online publication. It is, therefore, important that all editorial changes are made by the author or editor to the manuscript files before sending the final accepted files for production.
The PDF proofs will be sent to the author once the layout is complete. Layout errors can then be fed back to the typesetters, who will implement the edits and send the final file back to the author for sign-off. No editorial changes can be made to the text at this point beyond minor requests (e.g. spelling errors). Each title goes through one round of proofing. If another round of proofing is requested then an additional charge of £100 +VAT will be added to the BPC. Minor changes requested during the proofing process should not exceed an average of 1 edit per page. If this is exceeded then there is an additional cost of £0.50 +VAT per edit. Errors introduced by the production process do not count towards this average. There are no rounds of proofing for epub/mobi versions. There is an option available for books written in English, where the author or editor can purchase services from a professional proofreader complete the above tasks. This has to be ordered before the final production stages.
Creation of Epub/Mobi
Once the final print PDF has been signed-off as complete, the production team will export the content and create both Epub and Mobi formats of the book. These will be used for the online publication and is included in the standard price. The Epub file will be the source of the in-browser option to read the book, which is also open for digital annotation with the built-in tool from
Print-on-Demand (POD)
This service allows for books to be printed as and when they are ordered. Titles are uploaded into the Lightning Source international printing service. Each order for the book is printed at the time of the order via book retailers such as Amazon, Bokus, Adlibris and Book Depository.
Print copies
The BPC quote can include up to 25 print copies to be allocated to the author. 15 copies are ordered as a default to be sent to Stockholm University Press to be used for legal deposit, and to reward peer-reviewers. More copies can be ordered during the final production stages, but the cost for the prints will not be confirmed until the book has been submitted to the printer, at the end of the publication process.
Cover type
The printed version of the book can be produced with either a hardback or a paperback finish. It is recommended that books under 200 pages (about 75,000 words) are published in paperback for appearance and to reduce costs.
Cover Design
The design of the book cover is included in the cost quote for the book project and is a part of the book that we usually finalise during the final production process when the manuscript has been approved by reviewers, the Editorial Board and the Publishing Committee. Stockholm University Press covers are designed based on suggestions and input from the authors or editors. Some standard elements will be applied to the final cover layout. The covers will, first and foremost, be designed to work for online use and marketing purposes, as the electronic copies of the book will have a wider audience than the print edition.
Abstracting and indexing
Stockholm University Press will make sure to send the published content to all indexes and book databases that are currently being worked with. Note that the list of indexes available may depend a) on the formats that the book is being published in and b) the publisher, as some indexes require a pre-arranged publisher agreement. Books published by Stockholm University Press is indexed in: The Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB), The OAPEN Library,, OCLC Worldcat, Google Scholar, JSTOR, EBSCO Knowledge, Libris and Swepub (if written by Swedish authors).
MARC records
MARC records for cataloguing will be created as a default during the publication process. Having the MARC record will help libraries ingest the book data and thus make the title more findable/increase usage.
Optional services
All of the services described above are included in the standard BPC quote for all Stockholm University Press books. However, authors or editors may also order extra services to help them put out the best book possible.
Below is a list of services that can be added to the book contract for an additional fee.
This process is completed prior to typesetting and is available in two levels, which can include grammar, sentence sense and formatting text according to style guide. It will need scheduling with a lead time of at least 3–4 weeks in addition to the normal production time. Authors or editors will be asked to provide book specific details for the copyeditor. A copyedit guide and the completed book will be sent to the copyeditor who in return will provide a completion date. The copyeditor will be sent the final manuscript once the Press has editorially accepted it. The copyeditor will then make edits and insert comments into the file when questions for the author arise. The author will then be able to accept the edits made and answer the questions/edit the manuscript according to the questions asked. The copyeditor won’t be requested to copyedit the book a second time.
Index creation
To have an embedded index created, the book must be in its final form (i.e. no further editing of any kind) and any notes should be passed on to the indexer (e.g. list of things the author doesn’t want to be included). An embedded index is used to carry out this service. This allows for the index to be coded into the word file so that the pagination can update according to the code. Once completed the index will be checked by the author to ensure that there are no introduced errors.
Streaming/interactive/data media
Additional features such as audio, video and download links are welcome additions to any book project published with Stockholm University Press. The type of media will affect the quote and production timelines and sometimes the cost. The authors or editors are, therefore, asked to input such needs early in the book publishing process to initiate a discussion on how these features will be incorporated into the book in each of its formats.
How to finance your publication
Through our collaboration with the Faculty Literature Foundation, our authors can apply for funding.
More information about available grants and regulations can be found here: